Tuesday 27 April 2010

Development team for Grand Theft Auto 4

There were many different development teams like: art director, technical director, character artist. cutscene animator and in-game animator.
Cutscene, Voice, Associate producer, Executive Producer, Test team, Production team, Soundtrack supervision, technical analyst, technical manager, business development director, motion graphics, Rockstar publishing team, music producer, system programmer, prop artist and designer.
Development assistants, Production, Art, Animation and Dialogue.
The programmers were: graphics, Al/physics/animation, game, network, leads-cross platform, tools and RAGE.
RAGE is the Rockstar Advanced Games Engine.
Around 150 game developers worked on GTA4
The game is huge and is pushing the hardware platforms to their absolute limits.” and “Certain elements of development proved to be more time-intensive than expected, especially given the commitment for a simultaneous release on two very different platform

OnLive is launching the world's highest performance Games On Demand service, instantly delivering the latest high-end titles over home broadband Internet to the TV and entry-level PCs and Macintosh® computers.

Founded by noted technology entrepreneur Steve Perlman (WebTV, QuickTime) and incubated within the Rearden media and technology incubator, OnLive spent seven years in stealth development before officially unveiling in March 2009.

OnLive, together with its Mova subsidiary, lies directly at the nexus of several key trends, all of which are reshaping the way we think about and use digital media:

  • The shift to cloud computing, displacing the limitations, cost and complexity of local computing;
  • An explosion of consumer broadband connectivity, bringing fast bandwidth to the home;
  • Unprecedented innovation, creativity and expansion within the video game market.

Pioneering the delivery of rich interactive media to the home, OnLive will change the way that entertainment applications are created, delivered and consumed.

The impact of the world's highest performance Games On Demand service is going to increase the amount of people that want to play games on or offline, as they are able to get them more easily and when ever they want to get them.

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