Friday 30 April 2010

Notes on Games Britannia Program

What have we learned about the games industry form the clip about production marketing distribution and consumption?

Lord of the rings was the first book to kick start the gaming innervation. Table top gaming was one of the first forms of multiplayer gaming. This enrolled the person in a fantasy adventure but not alone with other companions and players. The dungeon master controlled the story, this game had no end and no way to win which is similar to real life.

Tomb raider was the first give women a place in the gaming world. although this character was also seen as a tease for typical nerdy gamers. Sparked other games such as Heavenly sword. Lara croft was also seen as the lady indiana jones as their interests were linked

Consumption of the first dungeons and dragons game was largely bought by Lord of the rings fans. a Majority of these were people who grew up during the arcade era.

Personalities merged between those of people who play MMORPGs, they have personality online of who they want to be seen and personality offline of who they really are. eventually these two personalities meet.

Political arguments arose when violence and crime which was unaccepted in the real world seems to become okay accepted in the cyber world.

How can you apply what you've learned to GTA IV?
GTA IV was a game which socialised gaming as people could play it to escape form the real world into a similar yet different environment where crime is almost accepted.

How can you Apply what you've learned to your case study game?

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