Sunday 25 April 2010

Rockstar Games- Gabriel Clarke

Ping Pong
  1. Nice concept
  2. Sports fans
  3. poor, boring
  4. Complicated controls, likelihood of loosing interest quickly
  5. No
  6. Xbox 360
Midnight Club
  1. Exciting fast driving
  2. Teenage driving enthusiasts
  3. Easy to grasp, very simple, not particularly interesting
  4. Could get bored quickly
  5. Car industry?
  6. GTA driving style
  7. Playstaion 3
GTA: Vice city
  1. Multiple things to do
  2. 18+
  3. Fun, simple controls, plenty of content
  4. Potentially very violent
  5. Radio links to the music industry
  6. Similar driving controls to Midnight Club
  7. Playstaion 2
Canis Canem Edit
  1. Nothing...
  2. 15+
  3. Boring, unimaginative, no target audience, no story line
  4. Very confusing, painfully slow gameplay, almost instantaneously board
  5. None
  6. Similar controls and mindless violence as GTA
  7. Playstaion 2
Red Dead Revolver
  1. Well portrayed western style with attention to period details e.g. film grain/scratches in intros
  2. 16+
  3. Controls are had to grasp at first
  4. Confusing
  5. not really
  6. Xbox

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