Friday 23 April 2010

Our Games History - Teina and Sade

What was the first ever game you played?
Tay: The first game that I ever played was Tetris on the GameBoy.
Sade: The first game I ever played was Tetris on the GameBoy.

What games did you used to enjoy playing and what did you like about them?
Tay: I enjoyed playing a game by Disney which included Winne the Pooh and Tigger because at the time I really liked Tigger, and I enjoyed jumping from to block to block.
Sade: I enjoyed playing the game Super Mario Bros and Tomb Raider. I enjoyed these games because in Super Mario Bros i wanted to complete all of the levels and liked trying to defeat the baddies. In Tomb Raider i liked completing the different stages within the game and defeating the enemy.

What games do you play now and what do you like about them?
Tay: To be honest I don't really play anything anymore because it's quite time consuming, however on my iPod I have a few games that i enjoy playing.
Sade: I do not play games frequently but i occasionally play games on my iPod and also on Playstations and Xboxs. I enjoy the graphics and the action in most games.

What consoles have you bought and why?
I haven't bought any consoles.
Sade: I have not bought any consoles.

Do you play games online? If yes, what games and where do you play them?
I like to play Farm Town on Facebook.
Sade: Yes, I occasionally play games online when I am at home or bored somewhere. I play games like Rush Hour and Tetris because they have quick and easy levels.

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