Friday 30 April 2010

Notes on games Britannia programme

The games industry has changed a lot during a short period of time. For example it now takes a whole team of people just to make one game as story lines, characters and graphics have become a lot more complicated to make and design. Another thing that has changed is how games are distributed for example when games were just made by individual people, not big media corporations such as Rockstar games, codes had to be entered into the computer in order for the games to be played, games were not released on Cd's. Now games are sold in big quantities online and in store with lots of advertising and Hype surrounding them for example GTA 4 began advertising long before game was due to be released, this was done so that a high demand was created for the game. GTA was a long time in the making, it took a lot of time to plan story lines and characters overall it took about 6 years to make and release in to stores.

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