Friday, 30 April 2010

Notes on Games Britannia Programme

Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson were the founder of Games Workshop. They started with the role playing games which was called Dungeons and Dragons.

Ian Bell and David Barben were the co-founder of Elite video game., which could be played on BBC micro and Acorn Electron computers.

Peter Molyeaux was the creator of black and white which involved the user 'playing god' this meant that the user controlled everything within the virtual world.

This then lead on to Lara Croft being created. She was the first ever character made with a personality and background which the gamers became protective over.

Wipeout was the first to create a driving action game which was set in a fantasy world and therefore lead the gaming industry to create more realistic games.

Carmageden was the first game which was made to create political and media attention as the aim of the game was to kill as many people as possible by running them over.

Grand Theft Auto is a mixture of Carmageden and Wipeout and Lara Croft, this was a huge success beasue it was aimed at many people as you could do a variety of different things on it.

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