Tuesday 11 May 2010

4. What is media convergence and give an examples of its use in the industry?

media Convergence is old and new media that is included into a media form. for example in GTA 4 there are different types of advertising in the settings of the game for example Rockstar use their logo on billboards and on the side of taxis. also another type of media convergence are the radio stations in the game, rockstar make these stations seem very realistic because they actually put rockstar adverts into their stations. rockstar are very clever in the way they exploit their logo in the game, this in media terms is called viral marketing.

the benefits of this for rockstar is that they are promoting there entire company's logo and brand which will help to sell games other than gta as they will have a better reputation, also the brand as a whole will have gained reputation from the success of gta4.

a weakness is that their promotion side of the marketing mix could be improved as they could generate more revenue from bringing in capital from advertising for other companies, as there is a great amount of many in advertisement for example that's how free websites make so much money.

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