Tuesday 11 May 2010

Exam preperation task (question 3)

What is technological convergence and give an example of its use in industry ?

Technological convergence is being able to use one system to perform many different functions, such as being able to play DVD's,Blue-ray DVD's and CD's, store music and photo's.
An example of this within the industry is consoles like the PS3, xbox 360. Also technological convergence occurs within games, for example GTA uses music within the games on radio stations and you can also go to the cinema.
An advantage of having technological convergence is that consumers will only need to buy one console in order to have a range of different functions. Another advantage of this is that as you can store music on it consumers will no longer CD's after they have uploaded them so they can sell them on to others.
A disadvantage of technological convergence is that it makes consumers more dependent on console manufactures as they are supplying many different functions, it would mean that businesses that just make DVD players would be put out of business as they are no longer needed.

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