Thursday 6 May 2010

My favourite game advert analysis

Assassins Creed 2:
1) Do you think it is an effective advert?

I think is it an effective advert because it shows the different aspects of the game such as the fighting, running and jumping as well as having the main protagonist voicing over the action, which shows that it has a detailed storyline.

2) What type of audience is it aimed at?

I think the target audience for this game is mainly teenagers 15+ as the trailer shows blood and violent content. The story is also about an assassin which involves killing and death so may not be suitable for young children.

3) Do you think it is a fair representation of the game?

I think the representation of the game is fair on all aspects. The trailer is based upon game play from the game and it doesn't show many cut scenes so the graphics are the same when you play the game.
Similarly, the action is exactly the same as in the trailer.

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