Friday 7 May 2010

online advantages and disadvantages


1. distribution costs will be cheaper because no packaging, and no actual disk to have the game on will be required.
2. less costs as there would be a cut in employees.
3. less costs for consumer as dont need console
4. don't need to go to shop to get the games as you can just buy them on computer.
5. can access your games anywhere in the world so no need to unplug console etc to play game.


1. gaming will be depending on internet connection which could be too slow, for certain levels of gaming.
2. lots of people would be left jobless.
3.most online website could need maintenance which could loose them sales.
4. harder for consumer to get information as they would not have anyone to go too.
5.most hard drives have limited capacity so could not be able to download too many game.

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