Thursday 6 May 2010

Advert Analysis: Worms Armageddon Xbox Live

1) Do you think it is an effective advert and why?

I feel that this advert is quite effective as it reveals many aspects of the games content. The text breaks up the advert and reveals more about the franchise as a whole. These techniques are used as the game was released and advertised on Xbox live arcade, so it probably didn't have a huge amount of money to spend on marketing.

2) What type of audience is the game aimed at and how can you tell?

This game is aimed at both a younger audience as well as fans of the series. It appeals to fans of the series by mentioning aspects of previous games e.g. 'The worms are back... and they're bringing the whole arsenal along.' and ' The return of iconic weaponry. It appeals to a younger audience due to the cartoon look of the game and general .

3) Do you think it is a fair representation of the game?

Yes, as it uses gameplay footage extensively.

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