Friday 7 May 2010

    • What consoles is your game available on and was it released on any other console, if yes then was it at the same time or at a later date?
    • Why do you think it is available on that console? i.e. the Wii's interactivity is essential for the game experience.
    • After it's initial release was there any add-ons or downloads?
    • What content is available online, where online (what websites) and why do you think that particular content is online? i.e. what makes it different, desirable for the gamer?
    • What websites are your game available on? i.e. XBox live
    • Can you play your game with other people? i.e through bluetooth on the DS or on a multi-player mode on the Wii.
    • Were there any promotions for your game? i.e. like Coca-Cola and FiFA
Wii fit is only available on the wii and was released on the 21st of may 2008 it will only be made available on the wii, hence the name wii fit. It is the only console with that type of game, as it would not be successful on other games consoles.
wii fit is only avaiable on the wii because it is a branded wii game and is an addon to the console. the will fit balance board can also be used with other games for the wii. wii fit would not be as successful on other consoles as it is aimed at familys and not fort he hardcore gamer.
Wii fit plus was released 30th of october 2009 which is another disc similar to wii fit which has more games and activities to play.
No online games to play but online information avaiable at
avaiable to be bought at :
tesco direct online
other supermarket online delivery services

Solo Play because the game is about improving personal fitness and achievements, how ever it can be compared to other Mii Characters.
yes Tv adverts internet banners, highlights on gaming websites gamers magazines, newspapers and gossip magazines

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