Friday 7 May 2010

Distribution Task-Mario kart

1. Mario Kart is available exclusively on the Nintendo Wii.
2. I think that it is only available on the Wii as all Mario games have been exclusively for Nintendo consoles, also the Wii uses motion sensor technology so the game can be played using this or the traditional controls. using the motion sensor makes the game more challenging.
3. Mario Kart can be played both offline and online so that many opponents can be played against in various different ways for example you can invite friends round and play at your house or you can host games online against your friends or other people from all over the world.
4. This game cannot be played on any websites, however you can buy the game on many different websites such as,, Ebay, Amazon, and many other gaming websites.
5. This game prides itself on its multi-player capabilities, you can play with up to 4 friends on 1 screen, online you are able to play with 12 people in one race.

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