Friday 7 May 2010

Case Study (Deadspace: Extraction)- Distribution Task

  • What consoles is your game available on and was it released on any other console, if yes then was it at the same time or at a later date?
Deadspace Extraction is available on Wii solely but Deadspace is on Xbox 360 and PS3

  • Why do you think it is available on that console? i.e. the Wii's interactivity is essential for the game experience.
The Wii has a very different control configuration so has had its own version of the original Deadspace game produced, the game relys in the controlers motion capeabilies such as the use of weapons
  • After it's initial release was there any add-ons or downloads?
  • What content is available online, where online (what websites) and why do you think that particular content is online? i.e. what makes it different, desirable for the gamer?
  • What websites are your game available on? i.e. XBox live
Amazon, play, game, gamestation e.t.c
  • Can you play your game with other people? i.e through bluetooth on the DS or on a multi-player mode on the Wii.
There are multiplayer capabilites
  • Were there any promotions for your game? i.e. like Coca-Cola and FiFA

1 comment:

  1. I downloaded the new Dead Space 2 for free here
